

2022年03月28日 更新

「Virtual Reality(仮想現実)を活用したオンライン語学留学」が3月23日(水)「KRYニュースライブ」でテレビ放映されました。







David Read/ディビット リード

イギリス・シェフィールド大学附属語学学校(ELTC) / English Language Teaching Centre(ELTC) アカデミックディレクター 

David Read インタビュー


Q.1  VRでの指導について率直にどう感じていますか

It’s really enjoyable to teach and learn in VR. Most students feel a little nervous speaking in a foreign language, but VR gives them the opportunity to play a role and become a different character and this means they feel much more confident to speak. Also, it’s much more authentic to have lessons in VR, because you can put students in the situation where they need to use the language, such as a cafe, restaurant or hotel.



Q.2 VRで山口大学の学生たちに教えて手ごたえはありましたか

When I first started teaching in VR, I was a little nervous because it was very different from normal English teaching. It felt almost like I was playing a video game, using the mouse and keyboard to move my avatar around the different locations. However, the software we use from a company called Immerse is really well designed and I learnt it very quickly and now I feel I can organise a VR lesson as easily as a face to face or Zoom lesson.



Q.3 コロナ禍で留学がしづらい学生たちについて教師としてどのように感じていますか。

It was very sad that they didn’t have the opportunity to study abroad, as it’s a great chance to practise language in a real situation and also to meet students and people generally from different cultures. However, it did help many teachers and students become more proficient with technology (such as Zoom and Virtual Reality) and we discovered ways to continue teaching and learning through these tools.



Q.4 今後の国際的な教育の在り方についてどう考えていますか。

I think we will see more and more use of technologies such as VR to help students experience places and cultures that it would be too expensive or difficult to visit face to face. And as the technology improves the realism of those experiences will improve as well. And in some cases, VR might be used to enhance the study abroad experience. So, for example, students might meet their teachers and explore the city and country they are going to visit in VR first before they travel to the place in person. This can help a lot with cultural adjustment.

今後、VRなどの技術を使って、直接行くには費用がかかりすぎる場所への移動や異文化体験がますます増えていくと思います。 そして、技術の向上とともに、その体験の臨場感も向上していくことでしょう。そして、場合によっては、留学体験をより充実させるためにVRが活用されるかもしれません。例えば、学生が実際にその場所に行く前に、まずVRで先生に会ったり、訪問先の街や国を探検したりするかもしれないわけです。これは、異文化理解や環境への適応に大いに役立ちます。